Hate Crime: Bellevue Police arrest suspect on hate crime charges against Asian residents

A 59-year-old woman was arrested for hate crime charges for allegedly harassing two Asian residents at Wilburton Park in Bellevue this past weekend.

At approximately 9:30p.m. on Friday, The Bellevue Police Department responded to a call at the 12400 block of Main Street where the suspect allegedly targeted two victims based on their race. According to reports, the suspect began following the victims – a 49-year-old Asian female and a 49-year-old Asian male – through Wilburton Park, and then proceeded to scream derogatory phrases toward them specifically about their Asian heritage. The harassment then escalated when the suspect made apparent threats to kill the victims.

The entire incident lasted for about five minutes, however, the victims informed Bellevue Police the threats made against them left them feeling unsafe as they were unsure if the suspect would carry out the threats.

Bellevue Officers determined probable cause that the suspect’s harassment toward the victims were, in fact, due to their Asian heritage and a threat to the victims and arrested her for two counts of Hate Crime Offenses toward other individuals.

Hate crimes are not always physical, but in some cases conducted as forms of verbal harassment. In the view of Bellevue Police, the victims provided a great example of what to do should anyone’s safety feel jeopardized: call law enforcement. Any individual who feels like their safety is at risk and is being targeted due to their race, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity should dial 9-1-1.

“The City of Bellevue is a safe community, but crime does happen – including hate crimes. However, the quick actions by residents and law enforcement ensured that the suspect was held accountable,” said Wendell Shirley, Chief of the Bellevue Police Department. “I want to be clear: there is zero tolerance for anyone who attempts or is found to commit hate crimes in this community.”

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