Stranger Danger: Bellevue Police ask residents to stay vigilant following street thefts targeting older residents

The Bellevue Police Department is asking residents to stay vigilant and exercise caution when communicating with strangers following a series of recent street thefts that targeted older individuals across Bellevue.

The string of incidents occurred when two suspects – a young female and a young male – randomly approached the victims for assistance. After the victims helped the suspects, the female suspect would express gratitude by offering the victims jewelry and either a hug or handshake. The female suspect would then use the gesture to quickly yank jewelry off the victims – items that are high value – before jumping back in the vehicle, allowing the male suspect to speed away from the incident.

The incidents are as follows:

On June 25 at approximately 8:24 p.m., Bellevue Police responded to a call on the 13800 block of SE 44th Street. The victim – a 91-year-old male – informed Officers the female suspect approached him from a white SUV while he was checking his mail earlier that evening. He claimed he thought she was asking for directions as she extended her hand his way. The victim attempted to provide the suspect a handshake, and it was then when the suspect allegedly yanked his Rolex watch from his wrist.  The victim sustained several cuts from the incident, and the suspects drove away with the stolen jewelry.

A similar case occurred on June 19. At approximately 6:03 p.m., Officers responded to a call on the corner of 124th Avenue NE and NE 2nd Street where a victim – a 71-year-old female – had her Rolex watch yanked from her wrist after helping an individual with directions. Similar to the incident yesterday, two suspects traveling in a white SUV stopped and asked the victim for help. The victim complied and after helping the suspects, the female suspect offered jewelry and asked for a handshake as a “thank you.” It was at this time that the suspect allegedly yanked the watch from the victim’s wrist before the driver (male suspect) quickly sped away.

Screenshot of the white SUV involved in the series of street theft incidents across Bellevue.

And on June 17 at approximately 11:34 a.m., two victims – a 68-year-old female and a 78-year-old male – were stopped at the corner of 108th Avenue NE and NE 2nd Place by the two suspects driving in a black sedan. Speaking in a different language to the victims, the driver (male suspect) made gestures as if a female passenger was pregnant and needed to get to the hospital. After the victim provided directions, the female suspect exited the vehicle, handed the victims jewelry, and provided them what appeared to be a hug in gratitude. It was then when the suspect allegedly unzipped the female victim’s jacket and ripped off her gold chain necklace. Before the victim was even aware a theft occurred, the suspects sped off.

Screenshot of the black SUV involved in the street theft incident on June 17, 2024.

Victims from all three incidents did not sustain any serious physical injuries. However, the Bellevue Police Department asks all residents – particularly older individuals – to use caution when being approached by strangers in vehicles and follow simple guidelines that parents often share with their young children:

  1. Travel in groups
  2. Do not approach the vehicles
  3. Do not accept gifts from strangers
  4. Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings

Most of all, Bellevue Police asks residents to call law enforcement should they feel their safety or well-being is in jeopardy.

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